Efeitos da fragmentação florestal na atividade reprodutiva de aves
Charles P.J. Coddington and W. Justin Cooper and David A. Luther
Conservation Biology
0888-8892 | 1523-1739
David A. Luther | Autor |
@article{Coddington2023_pdbff-0856, author = {Charles P.J. Coddington and W. Justin Cooper and David A. Luther}, year = {2023}, title = {Effects of forest fragmentation on avian breeding activity}, issn = {0888-8892 | 1523-1739}, url = {}, doi = {10.1111/cobi.14063}, journal = {Conservation Biology}, publisher = {Wiley}, pdbff_st = {PDBFF-ST-0856 - BDFFP Technical Series Number} }